
Saturday 23 July 2016

How to Choose a Career

Wondering how to choose a career?

Our expert approach using science-based career assessment and discovery will guide you in making a career decision you won't regret.
We've organized it according to the three basic principles of good decision making:

1. Know yourself–your strengths, values, personality, and skills

This will help you decide which choice best fits you.
  • Discover which Holland personality types you are most like, then match your results with promising careers, college majors and training programs.
  • Read about John Holland's Theory of Career Choice to understand how your success and satisfaction in a job, school, or college is related to your personality.
  • Do the activities in Learn about Yourself and Identify Your Skills to understand yourself better.
  • Explore what career well-being means and how to strengthen yours.
  • 2. Know your options and learn about each one

    • To learn about occupations, go to Learn More about the Jobs that Interest Me ,Learn about Occupations, or Choosing a Military Career.
    • Job Satisfaction will help you optimize your job satisfaction when you choose a career or a job. It can also help you analyze why you are dissatisfied in your job, if you are one of the many who are.
    • To learn about education options, go to Choose a Career Cluster/Career Field/Career Pathway or Choose a Major or Training Program.
    • Is starting your own business an option?  Click Self-Employment to explore this idea.
    • Are you thinking of strengthening your job skills but you are unsure which ones are important?  See The Foundation Skills.

    3. Make a good decision

    • At High-Quality Decision Making you will learn a method based on many scientific studies that is widely used in business and medical settings. It is easy to understand and use.
    • Still not sure?  Go to Career Indecision and consider getting help from a professional counselor: Career Counseling
    • Tip: Go to our "Choose a Career" listing to see more self-help articles! Also check out our Site Map.

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